Problem Statement
Given an square matrix with on the diagonal entries and in every other entry. Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix and justify why.
This is one of the problems that I was quizzed on in my Linear Algebra & Applied Matrix Theory course at Stanford. I recently re-discovered it while reading the lecture notes and the textbook to review SVD.
Give yourself sufficient amount of time to attempt this problem and read the solutions below.
Let denote the matrix of our interest.
First Pass: A Naïve Approach
For a matrix, it's not difficult to manually find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. With
and solve for the characteristic polymonial . We have , hence and . The associated eigenvectors are, respectively,
We can proceed with a similar approach with . However, as we can see without going further, the characteristic polynomial we have to solve gets increasingly complicated. Fortunately, once we discover a pattern, an elegant solution presents itself.
Transforming Into a Matrix of All Ones
Since all the entries except for the diagonal entries are , we can focus on a second type of matrix . Notice that is a matrix of all s, or equivalently, , hence a rank-1 matrix. That is rank 1 is not difficult to see, since all column vectors are identical and its column space . By the rank-nullity theorem, the nullity of is . This in turn signifies that has eigenvalues of and a single non-zero eigenvalue.
By inspection, we can see that is the eigenvector of with the associated eigenvalue . In the case of example,
Since all the other eigenvalues are s, we can obtain the eigenvectors by computing , where is the eigenvector. For an arbitrary , this yields the equation and thus . Jumping ahead quite a tedious computation, we end up with the following
where not all of 's where are zeroes. We have just found other eigenvectors!
Let's put it together now. From the definition of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, we have . Then, if we let be the eigenvalue of ,
Since the eigenvalues of are with multiplicity and with multiplicity , we conclude that the eigenvalues of are with multiplicity and with multiplicity . The eigenvectors are invariant, hence identical as above.
Ending Remarks
I always find linear algebra so enticing and its theorems beautiful. There are plenty of intriguing high-quality problems on websites such as Stack Overflow, and I intend to present more problems of this kind in the future. Send me a message if you have any problems to suggest!